Drawings, Ancient and modern paintings, Painter's studios, Coins, Jewelry and Watches, Decorative arts from the 16th to the 20th century

Tuesday 28 March 2023 13:30
Salle 2 - Hôtel Drouot , 9, rue Drouot 75009 Paris
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Drawings, Ancient and Modern Paintings, Painters' Workshops, Coins, Jewelry and Watches, Decorative Arts from the 16th to the 20th century Sale on Tuesday 28 March 2023 at 1:30 PM Drouot, room 2 9, rue Drouot - 75009 Paris Auctioneer Nicolas Nouvelet Public exhibitions: Saturday 25 March from 11am to 6pm Monday 27 March from 11am to 6pm Tuesday March 28th from 11am to 12pm Drouot, room 2 9, rue Drouot - 75009 Paris Phone number during the exhibition: Fees in addition to the auction: 23% before tax or 27.6% including tax Live auctions on www.drouotlive.com Drouot Live fees: 1.5% before tax or 1.8% including tax Contact : Nicolas Nouvelet 80, rue du Rocher - 75008 Paris contact@nouveletauction.fr Phone:/ www.nouveletauction.fr EXPERTS : Cabinet DE BAYSER Patrick and Augustin DE BAYSER Members of SFEP expert@debayser.com Lots : 1 to 12, 14, 33 to 36 Cabinet TURQUIN Philippine MOTAIS DE NARBONNE Member of SFEP philippine.motais@turquin.fr Lots : 15 to 17, 19, 24, 26 BRUN-PERAZZONE Irénée BRUN Expert at the Court of Appeal of Paris brun.perazzone@gmail.com Lots : 31, 32, 37, 39 to 57, 78 to 112 Emmanuel EYRAUD Member of the CNE eyraud.expert@free.fr Lots : 113 to 132, 136 to 143 and 216 Thierry PARSY Expert to the Court of Appeal of Paris 18, rue de Richelieu 75001 Paris Lots : 146 to 150 Sophie MOUNIER smjadis@gmail.comLots : 151 to 181 Arnaud PERONNET Member of the CNE apgalleryparis@hotmail.comLots : 182 to 204 Claire BADILLET Expert member of the National Chamber of Specialized Experts claire-badillet@orange.fr Lots: 205 to 213 Nicolas FILATOFF russie.expertise.ngf@gmail.com Lots : 214 & 215 Laurence SOUKSI and Frantz FRAY Members of the CNES espace4@espace4.com Lots : 217 to 263 Camille CELIER Member of the AEC camille.celier@gmail.com Lots: 264 to 271, 274 & 275 Antoine ROMAND Member of SFEP Assisted by François CAM-DROUHIN and Agathe OUALLET-IMBAULT antoine@antoineromand.fr Lots : 276 to 278 Benoît BERTRAND Members of SFEP bbertrand0870@gmail.com Lots : 279 to 282 LACROIX-JEANNEST Alexandre LACROIX and Elodie JEANNEST DE GYVES Members of SFEP contact@sculptureetcollection.comLots: 133, 134, 272, 283 to 287 Cabinet Jean-Claude DEY Arnaud DE GOUVION DE SAINT-CYR Member of SFEP jean-claude.dey@wanadoo.fr Lots: 269, 320, 331 Cyrille FROISSART Member of the CNES froissart.expert@gmail.com Lots: 273, 288 to 293 Arnaud ROMIEUX Member of the CNES contact@arnaudromieux.com Lots : 294, 296 to 305, 307 to 319, 321 to 330, 332 to 336 Pierre CHEVALIER Member of SFEP pierrechevalier19@yahoo.fr Lots : 295 & 306

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